27 Things I want to do or have before I die… or questions to illicit positive emotional attractors

dream itI’m not sure why 27 was the number given by the professor, but 27 it is. As I was writing down my thoughts, I realized that these thoughts answered all the questions that was given in the assignment. This are the prompts to writing my personal vision.
1} List “27 things I’d like to experience before I die.”
2} If I won the super lottery, and received $50 million after tax, how would my life and work change?
3} NETCAM: If I were living my ideal life in 2020, what would a NETCAM show as it recorded the next week of my life?

So…the story starts here.

Winning the super lottery would be great because I can do the 27 things I’d like to experience before I die and have my ideal life by the year 2020. That makes sense,  right? I can go with the frivolous and have a big house and fast cars and all the big diamonds I’ve always wanted. Yet, through the years of learning from my mistakes and realizing that material things are overrated…I’ve gained insight into what really matters most. Losing both parents was very humbling – despondency reared its ugly head a year later. When all I did my whole life was depend on them for everything…I had to grow up. Then I started taking these online classes that made me think about  my life in a different perspective. Reframing, decision-making skills, thinking, learning how to learn…all these have sparked the decision to change with intention.

I remember standing on an unknown beach in Canada one summer at night – I found vastnessmyself overwhelmed with the vastness of the ocean, hearing the waves crashing into the shore and watching shooting stars come down from the heavens. I felt so insignificant compared to God’s world and wondering what my purpose is for being here. Looking back at that moment gave me that positive emotional attractor – the feeling of thankfulness and appreciation for my experiences in life. Wrong and right, regrets, mistakes, achievements and proud moments = all together I lived a path that I chose. I am stronger in my convictions. My values and core principles remain – living with integrity, dignity…having compassion and kindness, loving and caring without judgement, struggling through life without blame and learning from my mistakes; dispensing knowledge and wisdom, teaching what I know, telling the stories of what I learned, appreciating what I have and loving who I am.

So, in answering the three questions, I will put them according to categories that touch me spiritually, emotionally, physically, in terms of my work and philanthropic endeavors, servicing the community and my culture as well as the infrastructure of my life.

NETCAM SCENE: One week recording

I see myself in a beautiful farmhouse with a wraparound porch decorated for the fall season with pumpkins and straw people, sitting on my favorite rocking chair with my dogs at my feet and drinking my mug of coffee. old homesteadMy farmhouseI feel the crispness of the autumn day as the sun starts to set in the horizon, looking out towards the 10 acres of golden pastures surrounding the house, listening to the horses, donkeys, goats and chickens settling down for the evening. My dogs are either laying down at my feet or playing with the other animals in the barn. The smells of dinner cooking dinner wafts through and it makes me happy to know that my aunt still loves to cook for the family. I watch my nephew come out of his cottage apartment which is on the west side of the property, making his way across the pond bridge where the ducks and geese are floating lazily along. the koi fish are waiting for handouts of bread crumbs as the cats watch them from the pond edge. My brother is driving up on the winding pebble packed drive with my 2 nieces with heads out the window while they say hello to the horses running by fence. This night is a busy one. We are all here for a get-together to celebrate – just because.

My significant other arrives from his training session ( he’s a retired navy seal who My nave sealteaches tactics and self defense to the military and law enforcement community). He smiles at me with all the love in the world and I love him even more. He is the light of my life, the person who complements me, who is the strength to my weakness as I am to his. He came to be with me later in life – finding him as he was looking for me. We share the love of nature and animals. We celebrate differences and are passionate about each other. We love the things we do, we both give back to the community through our volunteering efforts, and helping others. He is a steady strength who is loyal, caring and affectionate. He stands with me in my convictions and my beliefs as I do his. He stands behind me when needed and stands in front of me to protect me when necessary. He stands besides me always. I am safe with him.

The family is getting ready to leave an a road trip. We will be taking the fifth wheels and trailers to go on a 49 state road trip for the next 8 months. This next week will be spent closing up the cottages and giving instructions for the caretaker. I know the farm will be taken cared for because the trusty caretaker and his family ( who lives on a separate house on the farm) will be there to mind the farm. It is exciting to travel with my family. We’re bringing some of the dogs with us (4 of them and they take turns with traveling with us since we have quite a few), so we have vet appointments to meet as well as the necessary chores we have to do before we leave.  I make arrangements for my sister to meet us in Sedona, Arizona. SedonaMy nieces and nephew will meet us at the Grand Canyon. After we get back from this trip, we’re all flying to Hawaii and island hop for about 2 weeks.map of hawaiiThis is just one of those times that seems and feels like everything is in place. I am enjoying my life with people I love and care about. Although life still goes on and there are moments of stress, it is the feeling of oneness with everything, connecting with nature, connecting with family (regardless of past discrepancies), and a s sense of peace that overcomes me. This is my life now, the one I chose to envision years ago. The one that I worked hard and struggled for. The one that I am thankful for.


“27 things I’d like to experience before I die” and I won $50 million dollars in the super lottery. Listing these things together makes sense because there is a connection between the ability to experience and the resources for being able to do them.

  1. 1. Travel:
    1. all 50 states. I will stay at least a week in the places that interest me the most. I will be traveling with my nephew, my aunt, my significant other and my dogs, meeting my sister, nephews and nieces in different states whenever their schedule fits. Grand Canyon 
    2. Travel to Ireland, Australia, Italy, Greece, Spain, Germany, Austria. Again traveling with my family (without the dogs), and staying there for 2-3 weeks enjoying the culture and the hospitality. His Holiness The Dalai Lama
    3. Hike the Himalayan mountain trails and staying in Tibet to see where the Dalai Lama is – learning his path and listening to his wisdom.
  2. Build my dream farmhouse on 10 acres with a wraparound porch, and cottage apartments on the property for my aunt and my nephew. I will have horses, donkeys, goats and chickens, a swimming pond filled with koi and different fish, barn cats and inside cats. The house has 5 bedrooms, 5 baths, a huge farmhouse kitchen great for family meals and enough room for friends and family to stay in. Autumn farm
  3. Erase all debts for me, my brother, sister, nephews and nieces, my cousins.
  4. Fulfill the promise made to my friend Tim – that when we win the super lottery, we will help each other out. He is getting a certified check for $1 million..
  5. Fulfill the promise I made to my friend Kelly – that when I win the super lottery, I will help her out. She is getting a certified check for $1 million.
  6. I will give Mary (mom and dad’s caregiver) $500K to help her and her family.
  7. I will rebuild the family house in Cebu, construct it in the brick to withstand the hurricanes and in the similar layout of a Spanish colonial.spanish colonial
  8. Build a cottage on the shores of a Lake Huron in Alpena, Michigan. Lake Huron House
  9. I will have college and trust funds for my younger  nieces and nephews.
  10. Rebuild, renovate or relocate the Filipino community center (PACCM) so that it can be the hub of activities for the Filipino communities in Michigan.
  11. Still be active with cultural groups and foundations supporting the Filipino community in Michigan, financially sponsoring scholarships and fundraising events for the betterment of  members.
  12. Continue to practice meditation in my meditation room filled with inspiring artifacts, bells, singing bowls, and comfortable pillows.
  13. Continue to contribute to my parish church and supporting their events and affairs to service the surrounding community.
  14. Continue to financially support the animal shelters and humane society.dogs
  15. Ride my Harley Davidson Soft Tail Deluxe in black and orange to emulate the colors of Dad’s logo.081913-2014-harley-davidson-cvo-softail-deluxe-04
  16. Continue to gather Dad’s students 3-4 times a year to practice and learn and continue his legacy which is Balintawak, the Filipino martial arts that originated in Cebu City, Philippines through the teachings of Anciong Bacon.Balintawak Logo
  17. Having had intensive piano lessons, I will have my baby grand piano in the solarium of the farmhouse where I can play my mom’s and grandmother’s piano pieces.My baby grand
  18. Will ice skate on the frozen pond in the winter. Roller blade in the summer at the Hines Park.
  19. I am physically healthy by quitting smoking, eating healthier, losing weight and staying on top of medical issues.healthy body
  20. I will continue to mentor and tutor my student (who has Tourette’s Syndrome) all the way through his college years and maybe his career (if he still needs me).
  21. Continue to learn through the online classes at Coursera.org, edX and NovoEd.
  22. Celebrate the feast of the Santo Niño  every year in Cebu City.santo-nino
  23. Have a library at home filled with all the books of my favorite authors. Mini-Library-at-Home-as-Relaxing-Room
  24. Have a garden dedicated to my mom.raised bed gardenpurple garden
  25. Continue to support the Pancreatic Cancer Network in honor of Mom.purplestride 2013
  26. Have Health Systems Resource Group (the company my brother and I own) thriving and sustainable, continuing to support the home health services industry in caring for older adults who need it. Also continue advocating for older adults by sitting on the advisory board of the senior councils.
  27. Be in an intimate loving relationship with the man who is loyal, affectionate, caring and supportive. He is someone who shares my values and principles, is romantic, trustworthy and fun. He is willing to live the rest of my life with me, loves animals as much as I do; is someone who enjoys camping and traveling. He is my strength and brings me comfort, is giving and generous, and is compassionate and kind. (See NETCAM recording)

This is my personal vision of my life. This is who I am in 10 years. This is what I will do and experience before I die. And this is what I do when I am blessed with the winnings of the super lottery. These are the intentions my heart, the dreams I have at night, the legacy I will leave to those I love. This is the yearning for the sweetness in sharing my life with those I love.

About mbfavazza

Reimagining Life.
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1 Response to 27 Things I want to do or have before I die… or questions to illicit positive emotional attractors

  1. Caleb Moore says:

    Somehow I came across this and I have to say it’s beautiful. I truly hope you have found your happiness. My life is extremely uncertain and stressful at the moment, and your words brought peace into my heart. So….thank you!

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